LLAMA results

All results were produced by using the cross-validation splits in the repository with 10 folds and 1 repetitions.
The best values within a type (i.e., baseline (except for vbs), classif, regr and cluster) and performance measure (i.e., Percentage solved, PAR10, MCP) are colored green. Furthermore, the three best values over all groups within a performance measure are colored pink, the absolute best one is red.

The performance is measured in three different ways.

algo model succ par10 mcp
baseline vbs 0.980 20785691.494 0.000
baseline singleBest 0.971 28978538.201 804200.419
baseline singleBestByPar 0.971 28978538.201 804200.419
baseline singleBestBySuccesses 0.971 28978538.201 804200.419
regr lm 0.971 28979653.709 804149.787
regr rpart 0.968 32027482.261 1179491.097
regr randomForest 0.976 24300402.389 369437.825

The following default feature steps were used for model building:

cheap_pattern, cheap_target, distance_pattern, distance_target, lad_features, code, AST

Number of presolved instances: 0

The cost for using the feature steps (adapted for presolving) is: 0 or on average: 0

The feature steps correspond to the following 35 / 35 instance features:

cheap.pattern.time, cheap.pattern.vertices, cheap.pattern.edges, cheap.pattern.loops, cheap.pattern.meandeg,
cheap.pattern.maxdeg, cheap.pattern.degisfixed, cheap.pattern.density, cheap.target.time, cheap.target.vertices,
cheap.target.edges, cheap.target.loops, cheap.target.meandeg, cheap.target.maxdeg, cheap.target.degisfixed,
cheap.target.density, distance.pattern.time, distance.pattern.isconnected, distance.pattern.meandistance, distance.pattern.maxdistance,
distance.pattern.proportiondistancege2, distance.pattern.proportiondistancege3, distance.pattern.proportiondistancege4, distance.target.time, distance.target.isconnected,
distance.target.meandistance, distance.target.maxdistance, distance.target.proportiondistancege2, distance.target.proportiondistancege3, distance.target.proportiondistancege4,
lad.values.removed, lad.values.removed.percent, lad.values.removed.min, lad.values.removed.max, lad.time

The feature steps correspond to the following 75 / 75 algorithm features:

Lines..Average., Lines..Total., Size..Average., Size..Total., Number.of.files,
Cyclomatic..Average., Cyclomatic..Total., Max.Indent..Average., Max.Indent..Total., nb_nodes,
nb_edges, degree_min, degree_max, degree_mean, degree_variance,
degree_entropy, transitivity, clustering_min, clustering_max, clustering_mean,
clustering_variance, path_min, paths_max, path_mean, path_variance,
path_entropy, Stmt, Type, Decl, Attribute,
Operator, Literal, edge_ss, edge_st, edge_sd,
edge_sa, edge_so, edge_sl, edge_ts, edge_tt,
edge_td, edge_ta, edge_to, edge_tl, edge_ds,
edge_dt, edge_dd, edge_da, edge_do, edge_dl,
edge_as, edge_at, edge_ad, edge_aa, edge_ao,
edge_al, edge_os, edge_ot, edge_od, edge_oa,
edge_oo, edge_ol, edge_ls, edge_lt, edge_ld,
edge_la, edge_lo, edge_ll, op_short, op_int,
op_long, op_long_long, op_float, op_double, op_bit

Algorithm and Feature Subset Selection

In order to get a better insight of the scenarios, forward selections have been applied to the solvers and features to determine whether small subsets achieve comparable performances. Following this approach, we reduced the number of solvers from 4 to 3, resulting in a PAR10 score of 23567056.961 for the reduced model. Analogously, the model that was generated based on 5 of the originally 90 features resulted in a PAR10 score of 23441951.744. Below, you can find the list of the selected features and solvers:

Selected Features:
cheap.pattern.density, distance.pattern.proportiondistancege4, distance.target.meandistance, lad.time, Literal

Selected Solvers:
lad, supplementallad, glasgow2